Human based Social Engineering ?

In this article, we are telling you about human based social engineering, just as we have told you about computer based social engineering, so is human based social engineering.

Here we are telling you about human based social engineering in detail like what terms human based social engineering is used and how hackers use it.

All this is being told to you for educational purpose. You should never misuse it. If we understand human based social engineering, then we cannot take it completely in hacking.

Because there are some terms in it, if you understand it, then you yourself understand that it is not hacking, but still you should know about human based social engineering.

Note – This article is only for educational purpose. Don’t miss use your knowledge and skills.

Social engineering techniques in hindi

What is Human based Social Engineering ?

Like we have told you in computer based social engineering that where computers or any kind of technology is used, they all come in computer based social engineering.

In this way, in human based social engineering, we gather information through humans, there are also some terms about which you are being told, let’s try to understand it by example.

Human based Social Engineering ?

For example, if we want to target a company, we do not know that they do not know about the loopholes of the company, in such a way, we try to collect information from the company’s employees.

Here it is not that we can know about the company from any employee of the company, here we have to find such employees who hate the company in some way.

Social engineering examples in hindi

Human based Social Engineering ?

Let us now tell you in detail about some of the terms coming in Human Based Social Engineering, you will find some of these terms very simple but all of this comes in ethical hacking, so you should know about them.


In impersonation, hacker treats himself as a person like he is on a higher post or works in some kind of technical support, let’s understand this by example.

Human based Social Engineering ?

For example, if you are an employee of a company, in such a way, if hacker wants to collect information of your company, in such a situation, he tries to collect information by telling himself from some kind of technical support department.

Dumpster Diving

First of all, we are telling you about Dumpster Diving, what it is and how we keep it in Human Based Social Engineering.

If we try to understand Dumpster Diving in easy language, we can say that such information thrown in dustbin through a normal user can be misused in some way.

Human based Social Engineering ?

Hackers misuse the same information as if an employee of a company threw some kind of information in a company in such a dustbin, in such a way that if that information can be useful to a hacker, in that case it is called Dumpster Diving.

Shoulder surfing

As the name itself suggests, shoulder surfing before going about it, one thing you should know is that you never know what is going on in your front mind or whether it is hacker or not.

In such a situation, we often login in public place by filling in the passwords of your social media accounts, in such a case, if such person has seen the passwords of your social media accounts, it is called Shoulder surfing.

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How to hack social media passwords

Let us try to understand it by example, as if you are traveling on a train, in such a situation, the person sitting with you has seen you while logging on facebook, in such a way, he can access your account.

As we have already told you, human based social engineering you get some terms which we cannot take technically in hacking but they are kept in ethical hacking, so you should know about them.

It is also not that we always access our social media accounts, it also happens very often, we also conduct our online transactions in public place, in such a way you can understand yourself how should surfing be used incorrectly.


Let us now tell you about piggybacking, here hackers show themselves like a person who knows the victims and try to gather information.

For example, if hacker wants to target a company, he collects his information by telling himself that he is an employee of the company, now here he wants to collect information from outside the company or from inside the company itself.

Just like if we have to gather information through social media accounts, in such a situation, he can also gather information by making fake pages from company pages or company employees, how important information gathering is we have told you earlier.

We have also told you about a movie where you come to know that if hackers have any information, how can they use it incorrectly.

Information gathering tool in kali linux


Let us now talk about Eavesdropping, what it is and why it is kept in Human Based Social Engineering. It is being told to you here that you must have heard its name at some time or the other.

Here Eavesdropping means a hacker tries to collect important data from them by listening to your talk, in that case he is called Eavesdropping, let’s understand this by example.

Like if you are talking on an important topic on the phone or face to face in a public place, in such a way that if someone standing near you is listening to your talk and he is a hacker, then it is Eavesdropping.

The Conclusion

I hope now you can understand about human based social engineering, here we have told you about almost all the terms coming in human based social engineering.

In the past, we have told you about computer based social engineering, if you want, you can also read our article, we have given you some articles about social engineering before.

If you have been following our website for a long time, then you can understand very well what is the importance of social engineering in ethical hacking and social engineering is used in almost all types of attacks.

How to learn Ethical Hacking free ?

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