How to create Hacking Tools in Python ?

In this article, we are telling you about how to create hacking tools in python, how you can create your hacking tools in python, this is being told practically to you here.

Here we have created three hacking tools to understand you, it has been told to understand all the ways that how hackers create hacking tools in python , this is being told to you for educational purpose.

We are not giving you any kind of coding here, just here you are being told, we will also tell you by running all the tools here which do all the proper work, in this way you will also be told here if you get errors then how you can solve.

Why Hackers create own hacking tools ?

First of all, you should know why we need to make our own tools when all the tools are already easily found on the website of github, so why should we make our own tools?

If you read deeply about it and understand that in such a way, you understand some reasons for creating your tools like we can solve it if we find errors in the tools made by others.

Just like if we use hacking tools made by someone, sometimes we have to give our personal information as well, there are chances of information leakage in this way, so hackers create hacking tools in Python.

Just like if you use the tools you have created, you can also run it by modifying it according to your own. Here, if you want to understand someone’s program, then you should also come to create Hacking tools in python.

There are many such reasons, due to which hackers use only the tools they have created, as we know that in today’s time there are some such famous tools which do not work, in such a way that they can be run by modifying the tools.

Also Read

Facebook Hacking ( How to hack Facebook)

Whatsapp Hacking ( How to hack Whatsapp)

Create Hacking tools In python ?

Here we are telling you by creating your three types of tools, here we have told you by creating simple tools like Bruteforce attack, DOS attack tool and how Keylogger is made, you can create any kind of Hacking tools in python.

Bruteforce attack tool

First of all, you are telling about the Bruteforce attack tool, what is the meaning of coding here. It is being told to you here that you can also create hacking tools in python.

As we know many types of tools are created in Python programming language, so you are first asked to learn Python programming language.

Create Hacking Tools in python

As you can see in the image, we have created a tool to attack bruteforce on a simple Gmail account here, here we have first imported libraries as we know Gmail works on SMTP server.

Create Hacking Tools in python

In this case, SMTP libraries have been imported first, here you can see in the image, we have programmed this tool in pycharm software, this software gives you the solution as well as the errors itself.

After importing libraries, pycharm software automatically added this line after getting raw input error, here you can see raw _input has also been imported, like this create hacking tools in Python.

After doing all this the smtp server is set as we know in gmail. server is used and the port number 587 is used, in this way the smtp server is set.

After doing all this, input is taken from the user, here the user fills the gmail account on which bruteforce wants to attack, as well as the path of the password file has been asked, you can see in the image

After doing all this for loop has been used, after doing this you can see in the image the password will be tried if the password is found in such an attack has been broken if the password is not found in this way smtp authontication Password incorrect print has been done using error

This is a simple tool that has been created in Python, here you can see that we got the error of print, in such a solution was also found, we did not give equal sign here, like this create hacking tools in Python.

How to use Print Function Python

DOS Attack Tool

In the same way, you can create a tool to attack dos in Python, here you can create any kind of hacking tools in Python by using libraries like we see when we use some tools.

In such a way, when we look at the program of those tools, some libraries have been imported, in the same way you can find almost all types of libraries in Python, here you can also install them manually.

Create Hacking Tools in python

In the same way, you can create a tool to attack dos in Python, here you can create any kind of hacking tools in Python by using libraries like we see when we use some tools.

In such a way, when we look at the program of those tools, some libraries have been imported, in the same way you can find almost all types of libraries in Python, here you can also install them manually.

Keylogger Tool

In this way, you can also create your keylogger in Python, as we know that keylogger is used to record keystrokes, similarly you can also create your keylogger.

Here you can see in the image, by using libraries in this way, simple keylogger has been shown to you by create hacking tools in Python.

Here you can see here pyhook and pythoncom libraries have been used, here you can see the red line, just like if you get an error, you also get red line show in the program.

Due to the version here, this tool cannot be shown by running you, but from here you can get an idea how hackers create hacking tools in Python, here we have told you by creating three tools.

The Conclusion

I hope you have understood how hackers create hacking tools in Python, in the same way, hacking tools can be created in other programming languages, in such a way you can understand yourself how useful programming languages ​​are for you. Might be possible

We know that here you have not been told the meaning of all the lines. We have told you here the meaning of all the lines of a tool. Likewise, the lines used in other tools also mean that you can understand it carefully once. Try to

Similar hackers can create any kind of hacking tools in Python, all this has been told to you because you can understand that Python’s programs which have been taught to you earlier, how to use them to create some kind of hacking tools.

If you have any kind of question, in this way you can ask in the comment, we will help you completely, if you like our article, then definitely share it, subscribe to our blog.

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