Best Programming Language For Hacking ?

In this article we will give you Best Programming Language For Hacking. If this question also comes to your mind that Best Programming Language For Hacking in Ethical Hacking.

In such a situation, you are in the right place. Today we will tell you in detail in this article Best Programming Language For Hacking which is also as well as why you should learn them.

By the way, it is said that if you want to learn programming language. In this way, you start with basic, you first learn C and C ++. Only then you can learn the programming language of age. But it is not that if you have become a programmer, then you have to start from C itself.

Because all Programming language is used in different place. But today we are telling you about the Best Programming Language For Hacking as well as we are also telling you the reason when it comes to you.

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Best Programming Language For Hacking ?

By the way, if we tell you about the Best Programming Language For Hacking in easy language, in such a way you can understand that how many programming languages you can learn, it is also less.

Because you do not know what kind of programming languages have been used in the target you are working on, in such a way, if you do not know about those programming languages, you cannot find bugs in them.

Python Programming language

You must also have heard that if you want to learn ethical hacking. In this case you should learn Python. It is absolutely true that python is used a lot in hacking.

But let us tell you that by teaching a python you can not become a moral hacker. Because as we know, most of the tools used in kali Linux are made in python programming language.

In this case, you can teach python and make tools. But if you ever have to hacking in apko windows. In such a way, how can you use the tools made on python. By the way, CMD can be used. But what the platform is for, they should use the same thing.

Best Programming Language For Hacking

There is no doubt that you cannot put Python in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking. If you are new in the field of programming then you do not need to teach C and C ++. You can also teach python direct. Because in Python you also get all the programs in C and C ++.

In Python you also get to learn something advanced. So you can start with Python. Along with Python, if you want, you can also learn ruby, perl and bash. Because it also comes in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking and is used to make hacking tools.

HTML AND CSS Programming

You must be thinking that it is called HTML and CSS. Why we have placed both these programming languages ​​in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking

Let us tell you. As you have been told earlier, in website hacking, you have to make web pages for website defacement. In such a situation, you cannot create web pages without HTML and CSS.

Best Programming Language For Hacking

It is not that you should know completely about HTML and CSS. But you must know about them a little bit. Because they are used in making web pages for website hacking and website defacement.

If you have to hacking the website. In such a situation, you will not have the knowledge of web programming language, then you cannot. Because this happens very often, our payloads are not visible to us but are run in coding.

PHP and SQL Programming

It is both server side programming language. You see all the websites on google. It is created by using all PHP and SQL as well if you know PHP.

In such a way, you can also make a file of Session Hijacking. And any type of phishing pages can also be made easily. Here you can also easily create undetectable fishing pages.

Best Programming Language For Hacking

Therefore you should have good knowledge about PHP and SQL. Also, this website is also useful in hacking. You can also teach ASP.NET because in which programming your targeted website has been created. You do not know this.

Batch script Programming language

As the name itself suggests, it is a scripting language. You can create tools and hacking files for use in windows with its help, as well as you can use this language in many types of hacking.

You have been told in facebook hacking, hackers can also hack facebook account through batch script, in such a way you can put this scripting programming language in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking

How to hack facebook using batch file

In such a way, they can also make hacker autorun files by using them and in many ways it can be used in hacking. You can also create tools to use in windows using the Batch script Programming language.


This is a very good programming language, hackers use it a lot. Because it runs easily in any browser. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to put Javascript in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking.

With the help of javascript, hacker can run his scripts on any website. Also, your scripts can also be created. Hacker uses it to create the most scripts. You can also say that javascript is considered as one of the favorite programming language of hackers.

Java and Android Programming language

If you have to hack an application or software of windows or find any kind of loopholes in it. In such a situation, you must know about java and Android. Also should know about assembly.

Best Programming Language For Hacking

Because if you do not know about them then you cannot hacking the application. And to do game moding, one should also know about them. How does a hacker hack an mobile phone through an application. You have been told earlier that you can read that too.

Bash and Shell Scripting

Both of these Programming languages ​​are used in hacking, so they have been placed in the list of Best Programming Language For Hacking. Because as you have been told.

With the help of Python, ruby, how can the tools used in Linux be made. In the same way, the tools used in Linux can also be made with the help of these two. So, if you want, you can also teach them

If you want to make a good Ethical hacker. In such a situation, you should have good knowledge about these programming language. If you want to learn them. Then you remained connected with our blog, you will be told about them in the coming posts.

The Conclusion

I hope that now you know about Best Programming Language For Hacking as well as answers to all your questions. You must have learned this. Which Programming languages ​​are called Best Programming Language For Hacking.

Also, it must have come to know why it is important to learn them. To become an Ethical hacker. Apart from these, there are also many programming languages ​​like C, C #, Assembly etc. But what we have told you about if you learn them well.

In such a situation, you can make all the tools and scripts that you want according to your need. If you have any kind of question then you can ask us. If you like the articles written by us then you must share them.

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