In this article, we are telling you about the masking URL, what is the masking url attack, why do hackers use it, it is being told here practically to increase your knowledge.
Here you are being told how to find a homograph url for a homograph attack as well as a masking url, all of them are being used by hackers to use a phishing attack in advance method.
All this is being told to you for educational purpose, you should never miss use This attack. Here we are telling you by converting phishing url made for facebook hacking into masking url.
Note – This Article is only for educational purpose. Don’t miss use your knowledge and skills.
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What is Masking URL ?
Here first you need to know what is a masking url and why hackers use it as we know normally when phishing links are created, in such a way, the link of ngrok is show to the victim.
Apart from links of ngrok here, links of phishing websites are also found, just like if hackers create their own phishing website, the url is also the same which is found by default.
In such a case, the victim suspects that it is not the original url, but if the hackers use the masking url, the victim does not have any doubt, here we are telling you to create the masking url.
When the masking url is sent to the victims, in such a case, when the victim clicks on the link, it is automatically redirected to the original url, in which case the chances of the victims login.
Because this happens very often, once the url is shown, then later the url is ignored and in this way hackers can use phishing attack by using masking url. This is a free method. Similar paid method for hackers use Homograph technique.
How to find Homograph URL ?
Let us now tell you how you can find hackers of urls for homograph attack, you have been told earlier that you can also read that article, similarly here we are using a tool.
First of all, you have to download and install this tool, you can find it on github’s website as you can see in the image, you can install this tool in this way. git clone
After the tool is installed, you can use it to find Homograph urls. This tool opens in front of you in this way, here you can see everything in the help, how it is used.
Just like here, we want to find the Homograph url, in such a way we use the registered as if you can see in the image, in this way we have Facebook. You have found urls after running this command.
Here you can see in the image, in this way you get the url, you can also purchase the url like here we need Homograph url, in such a way you can paste the url in the browser and see something like this.
As you are showing here in the image, this domain can be purchased, similarly hackers can purchase this domain and use phishing attack with Homograph attack, by doing so the victim has absolutely no doubt.
How to Create Masking URL for Phishing attack ?
Let us now tell you how to create hackers free masking url like we had told you earlier about some tools for phishing attacks, you can use any of those tools.
As you can see in the image here, we have used this tool for phishing attack, here first we generate a link for phishing attack, in this way you can use it.
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Here you get different templates for phishing attack, you can use it in the same way, by generating a link to ngrok in front of you in this way, here we are converting this url into masking url.
How to hack facebook Using Phishing Attack ?
To create masking url, we are using a shortner tool, here first you have to install this tool, after that you can use it to create masking url. git clone
In this way you get many types of tools as you can see here in the image, after running this tool, something is open in front of you in this way, here we have created phishing url for facebook hacking.
In this way, we are using facebook masking url here, after selecting facebook option in this way, you are asked a link, here you have to give a link to ngrok something like this.
After doing all this, you can name according to yourself, like we have given facebook security here, after doing something like this, this tool gives you a masking url by creating and after that it can be used.
As you can see in the image here, this url looks just like the original facebook url, here hackers can also use Man In the middle attack (MITM ATTACK) in some way, by clicking on this url, the victim becomes redirect.
In such a case, when the victim fills his username and password here, he goes to the hackers, in this way, hackers use phishing attack using masking url, you should never use it wrongly.
The Conclusion
I hope now you can understand about Masking URl. We have told you practically everything here. We have not told you to install Phishing tool here because you have already told it all.
In such a situation, you can think about how many methods hackers have for carrying out Phishing ATTACK, so you should never think of any ATTACK as small, so many big hacking attacks can be done from Phishing attacks.
Here hackers use many types of attacks simultaneously. The most important information gathering is why this happens, you will know in the next article, here we have told you to find Homograph URl and masking URl ATTACK practically.
I hope that you will never miss use of any methods mentioned in this article, if you face any kind of problem in doing this, you can ask in the comments.
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