Personally Identifiable Information PII ?

In this article, we are telling you about Personally Identifiable Information PII like What is Personally Identifiable Information PII and how it affects a website.

Here we are telling you about Personally Identifiable Information PII practically, we want to make you clear here, here this bug means data breaches. We have also told you about data breaches earlier.

Hack Social Media vai Data Breaches

All this is being told to you for educational purpose. You should never misuse it in any way. Here we are telling you all this by solving a lab. You can also see it by doing practical.

Note – This article is only for educational purpose. Don’t miss use your knowledge and skills.

Personally Identifiable Information PII ?

Let us first know what is Personally Identifiable Information PII ? As the name itself suggests, leakage of personal information of a user is called Personally Identifiable Information vulnerability.

Here now Personally Identifiable Information can be leaked in any way such as through url address or through a third party plugin or due to data breaches of any third party sites, otherwise it is not called bug.

But even if any such service has been used in your website, which has had data breach in the past or if it happens in future, then even if you use that service, personal information of your website gets leaked.

It is well known that any websites or companies that have data leakage are publicly available on the Dark Web, so they also have information like credit card, debit card which are used incorrectly.

Just like we know that data breach is happening in today’s time, in such a situation, we also know that if a company has to endure data breach, then in that case how much damage can be done to that company or how much data gets leaked.

Personally Identifiable Information PII Example ?

Let us now tell you by giving Personally Identifiable Information PII example, as you are being told by solving a lab here, in the same way it also affects any kind of live website.

Personally Identifiable Information PII

Here, as soon as you open the lab, you can also read about it, here you have been defined about Personally Identifiable Information PII as if you can also see in the image.

Personally Identifiable Information PII

After doing all this, you have to access this website in your next step, in this way you can access the website, you are given a url address along with lab.

Personally Identifiable Information PII

Here you will see how due to Personally Identifiable Information PII, users’ information leak in the url address itself, you will get all this show in this lab.

After the website is open, this website becomes open in front of you in such a way that you can see, after this you have to go to the next step, there you are told that you have to access the contact us page.

Personally Identifiable Information PII

As soon as you open the contact us page, you are given a command here which has to be run, here you want to clear one thing, here a bug hunter has access to the server.

Personally Identifiable Information PII

After doing all this, some information is given in such a way that as you can see in the image, you also have to submit all the information by giving something similar in this way.

As soon as you submit, you will be able to see how the user’s information is being leaked in the url address itself, something like this Personally Identifiable Information PII bug impacts a website.

As you can see here, it is written that this bug can damage a website in such a way by using some kind of third party sites, let us understand this by example.

Like suppose we have used splunk service in our website, if the data of the splunk website is breach and we do not know it and we do not change our user name and other information.

In this case, due to splunk data breach, our or any user’s personal information gets leaked and this is the work of bug hunter to tell that your information is being leaked due to this service.

The Conclusion

I hope that you came to know about Personally Identifiable Information PII, here we have told you about Personally Identifiable Information PII.

Along with this, we have also given you an example about Personally Identifiable Information PII here, just here you have to take care of one thing, to find this bug it is necessary to have access to the server.

If you have any question related to any kind of Personally Identifiable Information PII or in such a way, you can ask in a comment, your full help will be done from our side, here everything is told to you for free.

If you like our Personally Identifiable Information PII article, then you must share it, here you have also been told about facebook hacking, bank account hacking, Whatsapp hacking.

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